Thursday, December 02, 2004

Christian Books in the African American Market

The Ministry Marketing Solutions AACM (American African Christian Market) best sellers:
1. The Walk at Work by Andria Hall (
2. Longing For Daddy by Monique Robinson (
3. It's Not About You by Rebecca Osaigbovo (
4. Things My Mama Told by Olga Samples Davis (
5. It All Starts at Home by Dr. Larry Davis (
6. Passion for Kingdom Purpose by Dr. Sir Walter Mack (
7. 40 Days to a Life of G.O.L.D. by Ed Gray (
8. Sapphires and Other Precious Gems by Terri McFaddin (
9. Enjoy Life by Stacia Pierce (
10. Give it to me Straight by Lyle Dukes (