We're already at the half way mark for 2011! Now is the time to evaluate the goals you set back in January. Are they written down? Have you been tracking and tweaking your goals? Do you have a vision board or goal poster in sight? I challenge you to set aside at least 30 minutes to evaluate your progress within the next 72 hours. You will probably be surprised to find that you've already completed some of your goals. It is important to recognize that any increment of achievement brings you closer to success so celebrate yourself accordingly. For example, if you've set and reached a goal of writing 1000 words per day - three times a week, reward yourself on the third day with something that is brings you pleasure, but also equates to the level of the achievement. ![]() Completing a chapter is quite an accomplishment, but you wouldn't want to throw a party in honor of Chapter 3. Instead, maybe you could treat yourself to a Starbucks for example. You be the judge, but if you find that you're over celebrating, or not celebrating at all... Breathe, rewind and regroup. I'm sure you've heard about successful authors who shut themselves up in a cabin in the woods with a babbling brook and trees filled with song birds outside their window. They write these epic novels followed by multiple book deals, TV appearances and a mega product line. Believe me, they are the exception, not the norm. But that's no excuse. Even though you and I live relatively ordinary lives, we can still be inspired to write extraordinary books. A lot of the time inspiration can be found right under our noses: People Watch No matter what age, social status or ethnicity, inspiration can come from simply observing God's greatest creation - human beings. The setting can be a trip to the gym, a wedding, a concert or a little league game. Nature Take a walk beside a local body of water or ride a bicycle on a nature trail. Have an impromptu picnic lunch in a park. Instrumental music in particular can evoke emotions, clear the cobwebs of your mind and allow your creative juices to flow. Enter Contests There are a number of organizations that sponsor contests for writers of all genres. There isn't much more inspiring than knowing that you might win a cash prize for doing what you love, not to mention the national and sometimes international exposure you can gain. Writer's Digest is one among many trade magazines that sponsors writing contests. Read, See a Movie or a Stage Play I'm not certain if it is professional envy or simply a desire to get my works "out there" but whenever I see a good play or read a great book I'm inspired to dig in and get back to work. You have to be careful with that though because there are so many good writers out there that you could spend time being entertained when you should be writing. The Greatest Inspiration What inspires each of us is almost as unique as our fingerprints I say almost because at least one common source of inspiration for a Christian writer should be Jesus. Spend time in His Word, or surrounded by the splendor of His creation. You don't have to travel far to marvel at something He has created because He is the Father of creativity. And since we made in His image and after His likeness, we have His characteristics - His DNA. Knowing that is inspiring! |
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Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17 It is a proven fact that people assimilate those they spend time with so if you're going to take on characteristics of anyone else, it might as well be someone who has aspirations similar to your own.
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The best catch phrase of the new millenium is "you can't reach an iPod generation using 8-track methods." ![]() With all of books, videos, trade magazines, newsletters, workshops, conferences, and webinars available to just about everyone, there is no excuse for a gifted writer like yourself to be stuck in the dark ages. Sign up for memberships and purchase downloadable tools. Try new software, aps/programs and attend workshops so that you can consistently maintain a current skill set. |
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