Time to "get out there!" Blog it! Get the new kit to show you all the social media techniques and online strategies! Have you ever dreamed of becoming rich and famous? Of course, everybody does, but not everyone have what it takes to be a movie star or a world famous supermodel.
But, have you ever considered that even regular people and self-published authors or up & coming speakers like you can become famous through blogging? Indeed, blogging can bring you fame and it can even make you rich. (Or at least get you some good PR buzz going) :)
As an author/speaker, you know that the key to success sales is by getting targeted traffic in your website.
Targeted traffic is the type of people that you want to visit your website and not just anyone in the internet. To do this, you need to advertise your products throughout the internet through affiliate programs, banners, emails, article publishing websites, and etc.
However, have you ever considered blogging as a tool for marketing? A CREATIVE blog! Basically, blogging is what people use today as a sort of journal. Some use it as an outlet of their frustrations by writing about it, others use it as a diary where people put in everything that happened to them on a particular day, but there are some people who found out that blogging can be a great tool for marketing.
You have to consider the fact that people do love to read blogs. And, with the millions of people logging in on the internet on a daily basis, you can just imagine how many people might enter your blogging website and read your blogs. So, how can you market your products or services in a blogging website?
Well first of all, you have to remember that you should never treat blogs as a marketing tool although this is your purpose for it. Instead, try treating it as a way to communicate with other people. The last thing that people wants to see in a blog is some salesman trying to aggressively sell their wares on the blogs they wrote.
So, how can you sell your products/books?
You'll be surprised as to how many ways you can market your books. You have to remember that people don't like salesmen trying to push their products up on their faces. What they want is someone who is a regular person like they are who knows a little something about a particular thing, which is your product.
What this means is that when you write blogs, never try to be a salesman. Instead, you have to think like a customer who tried your product and loved it. Ask yourself what they would say about your product in a blog. By thinking and writing like a customer, you will be able to relate to other people. You will be on their side and you will be their friend.
That is how you should market on blogs. You need to be a customer who is satisfied with the products or services you are selling and that you are simply want people to know about it and that you recommend it. If you believe in your product or services so much, then you won't have any problems at all.
To make this even more believable, try adding some of the pros and cons. But, don’t emphasize the cons, just try to mention it.
Blogging can bring you tons of PR if you do it right. Remember these tips and you will be well on your way in making your blog "famous" as well as your business and the book you are selling.
See www.PamPerryPRCoach.com too for free MP3 and www.ChocolatePagesNetwork.com! (FREE social network for Christian authors)
I see so many people with computer programs that "do" graphics making a mess. Just because it comes on your computer or you can buy it at Best Buy does not mean you are a great graphic artist. It will look "home made" - and trust me - you don't want that. Not if you want to look PROFESSIONAL> SO, at least do these things if you're going to compose a brochure, flyer, postcard or book cover! 1. Chose the right paper by thinking about the purpose of the document. Will it be mailed, handed out or distributed some other way? The weight and texture of the paper speaks volumes and should be practical for its use. 2. Maximize your impact by using "white space" effectively and creating balance to your layout. Professional designers are experienced in making the simple look elegant. 3. Create a look that commands attention and invites the reader into a document by using the proper size and style font. Minimize the use of multiple font styles in one document to avoid creating the look of a "ransom note." Less is more. Simple is best.
4. Communicate through color by supporting the theme and essence of your corporate ID. The printing process will impact your design and affect the budget. Make sure your printer understands the purpose and intent of the document. 5. Maintain a consistent look in multiple media by using the same fonts and colors, and placing your logo and address in the same location. This means your website, print ads, postcards, flyers, and anyplace else your ministry’s brand is presented.
6. Select a designer after reviewing their portfolio. Look for a variety of projects and products. The better designers can create completely different looks and avoid delivering "cookie-cutter" designs. Check out Juan Roberts, Bob Ivory or Tyora Moody. I love them!
7. Spend the extra money for proofreaders. It is easy to become familiar with your own work so you read what you expect to see. A trained objective eye avoids costly and embarrassing errors. It is not the graphic designer's job to catch text errors. (Pay them well, I love Leah Hubbard)
8. Produce a "print spec" form with the assistance of your printer to correctly write out the specifications for printing. This tool communicates exactly what you expect. It can be used to administer print quotations to compare print job costs. 9. Deliver powerful presentations with exciting documents that have multiple uses in a power point slide show. Whether a presentation is being projected from a laptop computer or from a presentation folder, the layout, graphics, photos, charts, and all elements of your presentation must articulate your message in an easy-to-understand format.
10. Generate effective impressions with photos or art in any printed item by having the appropriate artwork. Most printers require 300 dots per inch (dpi). This specification is essential for delivering images with clarity. Use professional photos, especially for head shots!
11. Use clip art sparingly. It can be helpful. Apply caution to keep your material from looking too amateurish or dated. A good designer has the eye for knowing the limits.
12. Inspect what you expect. Price is often the determining factor for finding a designer. Invest in first-rate talent to reflect a top-rate ministry. It may cost a little more. "You get what you pay for" in most cases.
I love everything that my guest blogger said in her column below. Patricia is really saying that we must do our market research to find the right buyer. If you have the right message, the right time but the wrong market...it's not going to fly. Target your book to the person it is intended for! Please. As I always say, "The only book for everybody is The Bible. And that author doesn't need any help with marketing - but everyone else does!
You know that no book is “for everyone,” and every book must have at least one target market. But how do you define it?
Very simply, it’s that group of people who are most likely to purchase a particular book. These are the individuals the book’s information is for, or the ones its story aims to entertain. They might be the parents, grandparents, and educators of small children who live in fatherless homes. They might be men and women who want to know more about skin cancer treatments. They might be people who love historical fiction set in the pioneer days, parents who have lost a child, young adults, folks who like war memoirs, or hopeful authors who want to know how to successfully produce and promote a book.
Most books also have a secondary audience—people who will read the book for reasons that are not central to it. For example, some might pick up a novel featuring a pilot because someone they know is a pilot; folks who aren’t into cooking or cookbooks may buy one because they’ve invited a date or their new in-laws over for dinner. Also, a book may have a peripheral audience—people who don’t fit the target demographic, but who will purchase a book on a whim or as a gift, for example.
So you can have one or more target audiences and one or more secondary audiences along with peripheral audiences. If you give this concept a lot of thought and do the necessary research to determine these audiences early in the publication process, you may decide that you don’t actually have a large enough audience to pursue a particular book project.
That would be depressing. But wait. All may not be lost.
Sure, the audience for your book on how to dig fishing worms, tips for keeping cats out of aquariums, repairs you can make with fingernail clippers, or the history of the modern-day calendar may not be big enough. But if you conduct new research, you may be able to find out what slant and focus might attract a larger audience. In other words, adapt and revise if need be.
Consider making the fishing book about the best bait to use in certain fishing spots throughout the Northwest, for example. Expand the cats-and-aquariums book to make it a collection of stories about quirky things that cats do or how to keep things sane in a multipet home. Instead of focusing strictly on fingernail clippers, create a book on how to get by in an emergency using just the items at hand. And the modern-day calendar book brings to mind all sorts of possibilities. History buffs would probably put out a few bucks for a look at changes in calendars over time. Give this book more depth and breadth, and it may appeal to a decent-sized target audience.
Now how do you determine your target market? Let me count the ways.
Try These Six Steps
1. Study similar books. Even before starting to write, authors should locate books similar to the ones they’re hatching and try to identify the audiences for those books via online searches and browsing in the relevant sections of brick-and-mortar bookstores. Questions to consider include: What books will be sitting next to mine on the shelf? What books will be compared to it and competing with it at Amazon.com?
Next steps: With nonfiction, look at back-cover copy. It should be obvious who the intended readers are, because this copy will speak directly to them—identifying their needs, talking about their issues, and addressing their concerns. The title and subtitle of a nonfiction book can also provide clues about the audience for it. Is it parents of children with autism, educators dealing with violence in schools, women with low self-esteem, fear-ridden people, victims of abuse, or teens who want to know more about getting into college?
With fiction, the genre category is a clue about audiences. Is it teen horror, chick-lit mystery, Asian historical fiction, or narrative science fiction, for example? Research on how many books in a genre were published last year and how they did will help forecast demand for a new book in the category.
2. Become more familiar with the competition. If you’re not sure who the audience is for a similar book, visit the author’s Web site. Peek in on the blog. Look at the comments in the forum. Check out the FAQ. Read several issues of the newsletter. See what other books this author recommends, and then figure out who the audience is for them.
3. Visit relevant Web sites. Once you locate sites related to your book’s genre or theme, see what you can learn about their visitors. They might compose your audience. Are they avid readers of true crime, curious about world events and politics, hungry for information on renovating a turn-of-the-century home, or in need of guidance of some sort? Are they men, women, children, singles, grandparents, grief-stricken widowers, young moms, or readers of romance or suspense? Once you’ve identified them, attempt to discover how many people fit this demographic and where you can reach large numbers of them.
4. Hang out at bookstores. Hover near the section where your book would be stocked and observe the people who are interested in this genre or topic. Talk to some of them. Find out what they hope to gain by reading the books in this section. What are they seeking? What is missing in the books they have been reading? Maybe you can provide this in your book.
5. Start a blog and/or newsletter. Focus information, stories, data, and resources on the topic/genre of your book to attract your target audience. Get to know that audience. How? Encourage feedback and participation. Visit the Web sites of those who comment at your blog site or write letters to the editor. Start a dialog. Quiz people. Get them involved. Add them to your mailing list. Use them to locate additional members of your target audience.
6. Develop a Web site around the theme or genre of your book. Then monitor your visitors. Become involved in dialog with some of them. Listen to them. If the book isn’t finished, what you learn from them will help you focus it appropriately. If it is, what you learn will help you to plan your marketing strategy.
Use these ideas and tools to assess target audiences, and your chances of success will increase accordingly.
Patricia Fry, the author of 28 books, including The Right Way to Write, Publish and Sell Your Book, is also the president of SPAWN (Small Publishers, Artists and Writers Network). For more information, visit matilijapress.com/rightway.html and spawn.org.
See www.PamPerryPRCoach.com too and www.ChocolatePagesNetwork.com! Get the new book, Synergy Energy: How to Market Your Book, Grow Your Business and Brand Your Ministry. Available on Amazon.com
Writing the body of your book may take up most of your thought process, but don’t forget to add extra features that can give your readers a deeper understanding of your book topic. Your book will be the beginning of their journey, and you should help them by sharing the wisdom that you have gained as you researched for your book.
1. Quotes from great leaders and stars who relate to your book can add validity
and spark extra interest in your book or press materials!
2. Statistics that show the shocking truth about your book topic can show the
reader how important it is for them to read your book today.
3. Survey results from your research will show how many other people think,
act, or feel a certain way. This will keep the reader from feeling alone, and
encourage them to seek further information on your topic.
4. Interesting facts or history can draw the reader in and help them see how
your topic has a broad reach to people and lasting power through time.
5. Case studies always help readers understand how the average person would
use your book to fulfill a need.
6. Reference books that you would suggest the reader look into for more
information will help them put more pieces of your topic together.
7. Helpful organizations such as clubs and support networks will give the reader
the opportunity to network with other people with similar interests.
8. Useful tools or software to use, especially on the computer, are always
welcome. Readers like to know how they can be successful and they need the
tools that you know can help them reach their goals.
9. Powerful questions and answers that may be controversial or taboo can be a
huge selling point for your book. If the reader knows that they will find the
answers to questions they have wanted answered, they will value your book
as something that could possibly change their life.
10. Websites that you know will aid the reader in further research or enjoyment of
the topic will be greatly appreciated. The Internet is a large place, so any help
with navigating through the wealth of information that you can provide will be
a great addition to your book.
MinistryMarketingSolutions.com ♦ MEDIA CONTACT: Pam Perry, info@ministrymarketingsolutions.com ♦ 248.426-2300 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
President Obama Declares Hope Over Fear New Book and 28-Day Challenge Also Touts Financial Future Hinges on Words of Faith
Atlanta, GA (February 4, 2009) – Though the world is in an economic crisis, Andre Butler has decided to “opt out” of this recession. President Barack Obama in his inauguration speech told America to choose hope over fear. Butler agrees that having an attitude of hope and active faith is what this country needs to overcome its financial woes.
With a new book, NOT IN MY HOUSE: Take the 28-Day Challenge to Recession-Proof Your Future (Higher Life, $14.99, Feb. 5, 2009), Butler has declared no fear, no debt and no recession will affect him or anyone else who embraces this faith-filled message.
Butler, 32, who is known for his cutting-edge ministry, is the poster child of how to prosper in a declining economy.
While others are scaling back, his ministry is expanding with new media projects, satellite churches and national conferences. Because of the message that is being shared by Butler, hundreds of written testimonies about financial blessings come in as a result.
With over 95% of Believers in debt and the economy witnessing the worst job market, foreclosure and bankruptcy rates since the Great Depression, Butler’s groundbreaking book is the watershed word needed to bail out individuals drowning in debt and suffering from fear caused by economic uncertainty.
Butler is mission-motivated and passionate about building up the hope, faith and expectations of Believers to not only survive these perilous times – but thrive in them.
“With unemployment rates rising and bankruptcies rippling the nation, people are in a state of panic. They are looking for hope and guidance. I want to show them, through the Word of God, the fail-proof methods that are tested over time that will empower them flourish financially –despite what is going on in the world’s economy,” said Butler.
“Having hope is just the beginning,” continued Butler. “Learning God’s Word, ways, having faith and activating that faith – consistently – is what will make individuals recession-proof.”
In his book, NOT IN MY HOUSE: Take the 28-Day Challenge to Recession-Proof Your Future (Higher Life, $14.99, Feb. 5, 2009), Butler shares with readers how to prosper in a declining economy by:
• Switching banking systems and relying on the one banker who will never fail you • Teaching God’s money management principles • Explaining how to create an environment for “super natural” debt cancellation • Inspiring God ideas that will lead to multiple streams of income • Illuminating the scriptures on finances that will lead to increase
Not only is Butler providing spiritual instruction, he is offering practical guidance by partnering with one of the nation’s premiere personal finance coaches; author, Lynnette Khalfani-Cox. She penned the New York Times best-seller, “Zero Debt” and will have free materials on the ministry’s website (www.NotInMyHouseBook.com).
In addition, Butler is advocating readers to take the “28-Day Challenge” outlined in the book. This Challenge will begin at his church, Faith Christian Center in Smyrna, GA on Feb. 15 and includes Khalfani-Cox being the Sunday speaker and workshop leader on Sunday, March 8.
Declaring war on debt and building up faith is what the 28-Day Challenge is intended to do. “I want the world to take notice that Believers are being blessed in the midst of a crisis. When they see us not only surviving – but thriving – they’ll be encouraged and inspired to follow God’s ways too.”
About the Author: Andre Butler is a husband, father, author and an award-winning pastor with 13 years in ministry with 13 books. He is president of Andre Butler Ministries (www.AndreButler.TV) and senior pastor of the 4,000-member church, Faith Christian Center in Smyrna, GA and co-pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center in Southfield, Michigan.
A seasoned media guest, he has appeared on The Word Network, Christian Television Network, TCT and Atlanta Live. He is currently seen weekly on StreamingFaith.com and LightingSource.com which is streamed worldwide on the internet and inspires thousands more with his bi-monthly video email messages. In addition, Butler is also the creator the popular family-board game, The Prosperous Touch and travels the globe preaching the Word of faith.
NOT IN MY HOUSE: Take the 28 Day Challenge to Recession-Proof Your Future By Andre Butler (Higher Life) * Release: February 5, 2009 $14.99 * Trade Paperback Original, 182 pages ISBN: 9-780-97932-273-0 * www.NotInMyHouseBook.com Foreword by Kate McVeigh and glowing endorsements by Minister Catherine Eagan, Bishop George Davis, Tim Storey, Dr. James Pierce and more.... Available in fine stores, on the ministry website and on Amazon.com
NOTE: Pastor Butler will be debuting his new book that offers FREE bonus downloads on Sunday, Feb. 8 at Word of Faith International Christian Center at the 8 and 10:30 a.m. services. Go to www.Woficc.com
There is hope in your future, says the LORD. //Jeremiah 31:17
1. What do today’s kids want to read? What trends have you seen?
I think kids continue to want to read about kids like themselves; even if the kids are heroic or have supernatural qualities, kids—much like adults—identify with characters who encounter the same things they do: parents who don’t understand them, bullies at school, rifts between friends, wanting to be popular, etc. This is especially true for the Tween (8-12) section of kids; they are becoming more aware of themselves and others at this age. Younger kids like good stories, words that grab their attention and make them want to repeat them (my 4-year-old nephew picks up on the words that use sounds he can repeat and words with excitement: “oops!” When writers for young kids know how to incorporate these words/sounds into a fun story, it appeals to kids.
2. What is Tyndale looking for?
Tyndale is always looking for new ways to present Bible stories to kids; we have a full line of Bible Story Books that we evaluate constantly and try to make sure we’re meeting all kids/parents needs with the variety we offer. I’m personally attracted to great juvenile fiction—the type of book a tween would hide away in his/her room and read all day! This book must also please parents, have Christian content, but not be preachy…while holding the tween’s attention; A tall order, but one I’m constantly searching for. Devotions are good too—especially ones with a twist. Most parents love to buy devotions for their growing kids; it helps them get in the habit of reading Scripture/thinking about God/praying daily. We need devotions that will interest tweens, young/early readers, and infants/toddlers
3. What really sells Christian Children’s books? A combination of great art, well-written stories, and a good value price—that will sell Christian Children’s books.
4. Would you suggest self-publishing first for a new author so they will have proof of sales in the market?
I think self-publishing is a wonderful route to go for first-time authors. Most people who write for children are doing it out of a special passion for youth, not for money; therefore, when they look at publishing their book as a ministry, they shouldn’t wait on a publisher to pick it up.
By self-publishing, the author can share their gift/passion with youth in their community and church. The internet can help them market their book and reach others outside of their community too. Illustrations are usually the most expensive part of publishing books (especially picture books and Bible Story Books) so it’s probably a good idea to find someone who can illustrate your work well too. I suggest authors consider art students or others who may not have been “discovered” yet and can offer them great work for less money or even just in exchange for exposure/experience.
5. Do you have to be a “big name” in another genre in order to be picked up?
No, you don’t have to have a big name in children’s books; most people don’t know the name of kids’ authors. However, for new authors, I’d make sure your bio is placed in a prominent place and you play up your heart for ministry, your commitment to Christ, as well as any educational experience you might have. Basically, you need to let potential buyers know why/how you are “qualified” to write for this audience.
6. How important is the author being involved in their own promotion?
It is always very, very, very important for an author to be involved in his/her own promotions. Besides a books’ content/idea, we always look at the book’s/author’s marketing potential. An author who is already actively involved with the audience she/he is writing to will gain a publisher’s attention a lot quicker than one who is not. Always keep track of conferences (and number of attendees) you speak at and will speak at and other venues you may be able to add to the promotions efforts.
7. Are Christian publishers interested in character education to get into public schools?
I’m sure some Christian houses are interested in character development/education to make breakthroughs in the Public School market; at Tyndale we are focused on getting the Christian message to our young readers. Our books are designed to bring them into or into a closer relationship with Christ.
8. Do they like series? Why or why not?
We at Tyndale like series for juvenile fiction; it’s one of the best ways to get juvenile fiction published. To make this successful, we need a strong concept that will hold the interest of readers throughout several books.
9. What advice would you give an author wanting to write children’s books and get picked up by a house?
First of all, I suggest writers study the house’s titles before you even consider submitting to them; if they have never published a picture book, you probably will not get yours published there. Instead, focus your efforts on finding a house that matches your needs and does well in the category your book falls into.
I’d also strongly consider self-publishing; Houses receive tons and tons of manuscript and quite frankly can not even read all of the unsolicited ideas. If you have a book bound and finished, it will get more attention. If you come through an agent, your work has at least been viewed and filtered a bit…so an acquisition’s person might get to review it.
Lastly, please, please do not be discouraged or upset when you are rejected. I don’t know a successful writer who hasn’t been rejected. Take whatever feedback you are given, use it if it is appropriate for you, and keep trying. If this is really about ministry, you will be happy to share it in whatever venue you can (church, community story-hour, website, blogs, etc.)
About guest blogger: Katara Washington Patton, Acquisitions Director, Children and Family, Tyndale House Publishers, 351 Executive Drive, Carol Stream, IL 60188
Katara joined Tyndale in the Fall of 2007 as Acquisitions Director, Children and Family, where she leads a team in developing products to touch the hearts of God’s little ones. She brings a wealth of experience in Christian and educational publishing. She has worked at McGraw-Hill, Urban Ministries, Inc., Jet Magazine, and Weekly Reader. Katara holds as a Master of Divinity from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary (Evanston, IL), a Master of Journalism from Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University (Evanston, IL), and a bachelor’s degree from Dillard University (New Orleans, LA). She frequently speaks at writers conferences.