Thursday, October 28, 2010

How to Reach the Readers

Twenty Five Ways To Promote Your Book
1. Articles
2. An AWESOME author Bio
3. Banners
4. Blogs
5. Blogtours (guest post coming up on that!)
6. Business Cards
7. Brochures
8. Calendar

9. Databases
10. E-zines
11. Flyers to give out everywhere to everyone!!
12. Greeting & Note Cards
13. Letterhead that POPS!
14. Labels for your mailings of books to reviewers & media
15. Media Kits
16. Manuscripts (First chapters for advanced reading copies)
17. Newsletters
18. News Releases
19. Postcards (Km Brooks was a master at this)
20. Posters
21. PR coach
22. Reviews on Amazon
23. Stickers that say “Local Author” to put in your local bookstores!
24. T-shirts “Ask me About My Book”
25. Web sites with a landing page! SEE VIDEO BELOW!!

See too and join!

Monday, October 25, 2010

New Social Media Segment on Radio One: Answering questions and providing Tips

The internet has changed everything. Social Media has changed everybody. We don’t go to the Yellow Pages for phone number, we Google. We don’t go to the library reference desk, we Google. Even when we’re looking up more information about an author or ministry, we use Google.

Google is pretty much running things.  I always tell my clients, “If you’re not on Google, you don’t exist.” Not really – but you are invisible to millions online.

That's why I'm excited about the New Social Media segment I'm doing on Radio One's Newtalk WCBH1200 to help you "Crush it" online!  
What questions do YOU have?  We'll answer them live on the air! Leave them here in the comment section below and every week we'll discuss and provide solutions for your social media marketing issues.

Every Friday from 11 to Noon EST. Listen online or in your car or anywhere you are with a radio!

My Google juice
Got yours? 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Christian Marketing With Articles

One of the best ways to get traffic to your blog, website or blogsite is to write articles. My friend, Theresa Croft did a cool video showing you how to do it.

Read my articles that I've written on various topics like branding, social media, marketing and book promotion.  Go here, click this link.

Resources and tools by Pam Perry 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

How to Use Web 2.0 to Get PR 2.0 For Your Brand, Book Or Ministry

Concentrate on great content so the search engine optimization will give you a high ranking when people are surfing online via search engines like Google or Bing. 

Adding links is another great way to increase your site rankings and get noticed among the search engines.  Read more, click this PR marketing article

See too and join!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blogalicious 2010 presentation: Using Blogs to Market Your Book and Build a Tribe

WOW. Smashing success! So blessed. Just got back from the Blogalicious Conference! Check out my Powerpoint Presentation with video I did while there: PR & social media Tools and ebooks here

Author Platforms: Put your BEST Face, Foot and Brand FORWARD

Louise Bannerman, ACW/Detroit Member

ACW logoAmerican
Christian Writers
Detroit Chapter News

ACW - Detroit Chapter c/o Greater Grace Temple

Attention: Venus Mason Theus
23500 W. 7 Mile Road
Detroit, Michigan 48219 313.615.6704
It's Time to Upgrade

Those of us who live in Michigan are exceptionally blessed because we're able to enjoy four seasons that reflect the plurality of God's majesty!  The varied seasons serve as a reminder that change is inevitable and whether we choose to embrace it or protest it - it's coming.

With each new season the temperature changes, the sky either gets cloudier or brighter; flowers, trees and foliage either bloom, hibernate or wither away.  Animals change body temperature, color, shed or grow thicker fur to accommodate the season.

When seasons change nature gets a makeover and from time to time, we [human beings] should update ourselves as well.  "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" doesn't cut it for Christian authors.  If it's old, stale, overworked, faded, ill-fitting, boring, etcera, actually is broken and does actually need to be fixed.  This is not limited to sprucing up the outward appearance but also it also means discarding negative thoughts, distructive speech and counterproductive deeds.

Like the plant and animal world, human beings also need to update or as Dr. Stacia Pierce puts it, Upgrade ourselves.  Particularly those of us who are in a position to attract the lost to salvation and to encourage the body of Christ to continue fight the good fight. 

Your most effective calling card is a polished image that epitomizes the glory of our Savior.  By nature we're attracted to others first by the image they project, THEN most evaluate character and skill levels. 

The adage that says "you can't judge a book by its cover" really isn't true. As an author, your book might be the greatest story ever told, but if your total package isn't solid, potential readers might never bother to so much as skim the back cover.

We will discuss more about image during the meeting on October 18th so don't miss it.  We will provide you with lots of information on how to update or enhance your image as a Christian author.  Our president eritus (Pam Perry) is doing a an important workshop.  Make certain you bring the items she specified in the section below.

Venus Mason Theus
ACW/Detroit Chapter President

Pam Perry Presents:
Your Author Image


Monday, October 18th - 6:30 pm

Greater Grace Temple City of David
Conference Center
23500 W. 7 Mile Detroit, MI 48219

Your corporate I.D. that is. Logos, taglines, photos, letterhead, mastheads...everything you use to market yourself. I will REVIEW everything 

Guest Blog:
Are You Willing to Learn, Unlearn and Relearn?
By: Christina Dixon, ACW/Detroit Vice President

Several years ago I read a quote that made a huge impact on the way I approach learning opportunities. The quote was by futurist Alvin Toffler. In the early 1970s this business consultant spoke to corporate America with insight that has proven to be extremely accurate. He said,

"The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who can read or write. It will be those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn."

For  writers, this statement has many implications. There are so many things that have changed in the publishing industry since that time. In the early 70s those who self-published their books were not taken seriously.

Today, technology has opened the flood gates so that thousands of books are self-published every month. Authors are no longer at the mercy of traditional publishers who take months just to respond to your submissions, if they are accepting submissions at all. These days, when writers have messages that they are passionate about, they can choose from a myriad of options. Too often though, writers approach publishing with a glamorized perspective that clearly indicates the need to learn how the industry truly works.

Consequently some become discouraged and end up leaving their writing projects unfinished. Yet, as Alvin Toffler indicated, if there is an inability or lack of desire to learn, unlearn and relearn, many will be left behind in their efforts to reach the masses with the messages they've been given. What about you? 

Are you willing to take the time to learn about the publishing industry and the things you need to do to make your publishing experience fruitful? Don't be discouraged. Go ahead. Dig in and educate yourself. Go to the library. Join a writers group (like ACW-Detroit). Absorb all the information you can so that your expectations are realistic.  
Then act on that information!

I know it's a lot to learn. But, it's worth it!

PriorityONE Publications
Post Office Box 725
Farmington, MI 48332
Phone & Fax:


Publishing Today's Aspiring Christian Writers


Christina (left) and Venus (right)

American Christian Writers/Detroit Chapter 

See too and join!

Monday, October 04, 2010

Social Networking has Changed the Game - and are the Boomers Feeling Left Behind?

The Social Network - What? Why? Huh?

social media overload

Are You Over 40 and You Sorta Don't Have a Clue About Social Media?

social media map

Ok, Say You Do Know (What) Social Media is... Do You Really Know How To Use It to Promote your Stuff (and make money)?

If You're Over 40 years old & You want to Learn about Social Media for your Business Without the all the Fluff...
Join Our "Over 40 Social Media Telesminar"
Thursday, October 7,  2010 at 9 pm EST

Social Media

Pam Perry: who's a PR Coach and Social Media Strategist delivering online   branding and marketing solutions for best-selling authors, nonprofits and entrepreneurs.  She is the Chief Visionary of Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc. and internet radio host of Chocolate Pages where she has interviewed authors such as Kirk Franklin, Rev. Run, Demond Wilson and Yolanda Adams. Perry, an Emmy-award winning TV producer, is also a columnist with Gospel Today and blogs for, on Branding, Marketing and Public Relations 2.0 tactics.  She was recently named by BrandMaker News as one of 25 Urban Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter. @pamperry - Oh, and she's 50! :)
ebooks Ralph Claxton, not known to most but he has a client base that would envy any small SEO marketing company. Ralph loves to teach individuals and business owners about Wordpress, Twitter, and Youtube without all the techno talk. His keep it simple approach has created a one of a kind word of mouth spread with local businesses.
This Teleseminar will help you uncover the myths about leveraging social media but also share with you some result-oriented strategies to effectively leveraging online technology & Make MONEY by teaching you...
       1.    What social media is...and what it is not...and why if you aren't leveraging it you are leaving a ton of $$ on the table.
    2.    The biggest mistakes individuals make on Twitter and Facebook that do more harm than good.
    3.    Why humanizing your brand on these networks is important, and how to effectively create your own branding strategy.
    4.    How to leverage Facebook and Twitter to build high quality, highly targeted and effective relationships in minutes...not days.
    5.    The one thing you must have set up for social media to effectively work for you (to make money). 
    6.    The mindset you must adopt if you want to be successful using this powerful technology for your business;
    7.    Why building a social media platform is so important and what to keep in mind as you implement your strategy.
    8.    Real life case studies illustrating to you the power of this technology as a marketing tool.
    9.    The one question you should ask any social media expert before you decide to work with them.
    10.    The 8 tips every social networker must know before using this powerful technology for their business.
           So if you're a author, entrepreneur or someone wanting to change careers then you need to be on this's really that a simple.

This Teleseminar will help you uncover the myths about leveraging social media but also share with you some result-oriented strategies to effectively leveraging online technology & Make MONEY by teaching you...
We Know There's a Ton Of Stuff Coming at You But Don't Be Fooled...This Is a One of Kind Seminar You Don't Want To Miss!
                                                    The cost for this 1-hour Teleseminar is only $17 - which comes with an ebook
and as a BONUS > an additional Q&A Session one week after this session
(so you can digest everything)
Teleconference phone number  & ebook will be delivered after payment is made.

sign up
Go here to sign up: Over 40 Social Media Teleseminar
See you Thursday, Oct. 7 at 9 pm EST
(teleconference will be recorded and you'll get a the mp3 even if you can't make the live call!)

Hear Ralph & Pam podcast, click below:

HootSuite - Social Media Dashboard