Monday, May 24, 2010

Golden Opportunity to Get YOUR brand, blog, podcast or book to SHINE Online

debuting the P MAGAZINE during the virtual launch party.
Party with us in your (Pink) PJs at the Pajama JAM on May 26 at 10 pm EST!

Branding Super star Tool - Pam Perry "Living Life Like It's Golden" 50 Promo                                                              

Hear the message, click here!

Live your life like it's golden! 
Brand YOUR Best Life

Click to hear the song & see what inspired me!

pam perry 50 years old! GOLDEN!

Pam Perry, Ministry Marketing Solutions
PR Coach * Author * Social Media Expert
Tele:   248.426-2300

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Ten Shortcuts to Social Media Success and Book Sales with Antonio Crawford

Read the article, hear the interview - come to the conference. We got you covered!

Social Network Marketing by Antonio L. Crawford

Social network marketing is the process of advertising, promoting and selling ideas, concepts, beliefs and philosophies in a social environment. Social networks provide the economic and communal algorithm that people need to network with others, chat, share resources, and spread word-of-mouth information.

Coupled with personal benefits and a positive sales message, word-of-mouth information provides a low-cost marketing solution to help authors advertise and promote their books. Word-of-mouth is a marketing vehicle to transport ideas, reach prospects and advertise products or services to the public.

Why is this information important? If we create our own super highway, or join an existing social network – it is possible to provide the means by which others will interact with others to exchange money for merchandise.
The dynamics behind social marketing is vague to many people. Traditional executives and inexperienced infopreneurs know little about the synergy and potential growth embedded in the center of a social network.

Executives hire marketing firms to penetrate and exploit the network’s infrastructure. Info-preneurs rely on publishers, and other professional consultants to design a unique marketing approach to sell more products.

It is unfortunate that most traditional marketing consultants use out of date guerilla tactics that are designed for mainstream marketing. They are unaware of the power found in social networks. Most of the marketing tactics used by the traditionalists are linear expressions and do not provide the author with a deeper-rich understanding of how to market in multi-networks. As a result, both top executives and the infopreneur receive a small percentage of what could possibly be earned. -  
Read rest of blog, click here & listen to The Synergy Energy show with Antonio right here.


Antonio Crawford and Pam Perry presents
the #1 Conference for Christian Writers, Authors, & Speakers.
National Christian Writers Conference 2010
Washington, DC, August 14th 8am to 6pm

The most dynamic experts will be gathering in Washington DC for one full day to share innovative techniques and leading information on how to write, publish and promote your book or brand in the Christian marketplace. Award winning authors, publishers, publicists, speakers and wealth building coaches will share their secrets on how to succeed. (see website for list of speakers…including Michelle McKinney Hammond, Stacy Hawkins Adams, William R. Patterson, Karen Hunter, Dr. Barbara Reynolds, Omar Tyree and more!)

Receive personal insight from a Pulitzer Prize-winner, an Emmy Award-winner, international best selling authors, social media experts, wealth coaches, as well as expert speakers and discover the best strategy for promoting your book or brand, Today!

• Write Like a Pro and Get Noticed in the Christian Marketplace
• Publish Your Book through Christian Traditional Publishing
• Build an Innovative Step-by-Step Process to Publish Books
• How to Use Traditional Marketing & PR Strategies to Promote Your Message
• Market Your Book or Brand Using Online Techniques and Technology
• FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Ning, Shelfari. . .
• Drive Traffic to Your Web Site, Blog, or Social Network Page
• Build Your Platform to Capture Your Share of the Market
• Turning Your Ideas into Assets
• Speed Network with Peers to Expand Your Creativity
  . . .and more
 To sign up for this event and get your2 for one ticket, go to now.

But hurry because the special Two for one price ends June 15

See too and join!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Social Media Marketing: Glossary & Branding Tools to Shine Online

It is no easy task keeping up with social media. This is an  ever-evolving world with new websites, technology and terms that appear  almost every day.

However, there are some words and phrases that will  always be useful.

Here is a short glossary we have put together. Read  it. Print it. Share it. Bookmark it. Of course, there are words we may  have omitted or overlooked. Please feel free to include them in the  comment section below.

Aggregation - The process of gathering and  remixing content from blogs and websites that provide RSS feeds.
Alerts  - Specific words, phrases or tags that search engines check and send to  you be email.
Badge - An image that is squared and displayed on a  blog that signifies a blogger's participation in an event or contest.
Blog  - A type of website that is usually maintained by an individual with  regular entries of commentary. The word is a contraction of the term  "web log."
Blogger - A person who writes and updates a blog. The  word "blogger" was first used for the name of a website that was  launched in 1999 by Pyra Labs.
Blog Post - Content that is  published on a blog. This may include pictures or embedded videos and  links.
Blogosphere - The totality of blogs and conversations on  the Internet.
Blogroll - A list of sites displayed in the sidebar  of blog, showing who the blogger reads regularly.
Bookmarking -  Saving the address of a website or item of content, either in your  brower, or on a social bookmarking site like
Buzz -  or buzz marketing is a term that was formerly used in word-of-mouth  marketing and now is being used online. It describes the interaction  between consumers about a product or service that amplifies the original  marketing message.
Chat - Interaction on a web site with a number  of people adding text items one after the other into the same space.
Communities  - Groups of people communicating through the Internet.
Community  building - The process of recruiting a potential community or network  participants and helping them find shared interests and goals.
Content  - Text, pictures, video and any other meaningful material that is on  the Internet.
Content Management Systems (CMS) - Software  platforms that offer the ability to create and manage web pages, blogs,  wikis, and other tools.
Crowdsourcing - Harnessing the skills and  enthusiasm of those outside an organization so they may contribute  content and solve problems.
Facilitator - Someone who helps people  in an online group or forum manage their conversations.
Feeds -  The means by which you can read, view or listen to items from blogs and  other RSS-enabled sites without visiting the site.
Folksonomy -  While taxonomies are centralized ways to classify information - like  libraries - folksonomies are the way people or "folks" create less  structured ways of classifying information.
Forums - Discussion  areas on websites where people can post messages or comment on existing  messages.
Groups - Collections of individuals with some sense of  unity through their activities, interests or values.
Lurkers -  People who read but don't contribute or add comments to forums.
Mashups  - The mixies that "techies" do to combine several tools to create a new  web service.
Micro-blogging - A form of blogging where the  entries are limited to a certain amount of characters or words, like  Twitter.
Newsreader - A website or desktop tool that acts as an  aggregator, gathering content from blogs and similar sites using RSS  feeds so you can read the content in one place, instead of having to  visit different sites.
Open-source software - Any computer  software whose source code permits users to study, change, and improve  the software for free, and redistribute it in modified or unmodified  form.
Photosharing - Uploading your images and sharing them on a  website like Flickr.
Platform - A framework or system within where  tools or applications can work.
Podcast - Audio or video content  that can be downloaded automatically through a subscription to a website  so you can view or listen offline.
Post - An item on a blog or  forum.
Profiles - The information you provide about yourself when  you sign up for a social networking site.
RSS - This stands for  Really Simple Syndication.
Share - Offering people the use of your  text, images, video, bookmarks or other content.
Social media - The term for the tools and platforms people use to publish, converse and  share content online. These tools include blogs, wikis, podcasts, and  sites to share photos and bookmarks.
Social media marketing - The  term that describes the use of social networks, online communities,  blogs, wikis or any other online collaborative media for marketing,  sales, public relations and customer service.
Social networks -  Large websites that host multiple communities comprised of people with  profiles who have with similar interests. These sites offer a place  where people engage with one another online and share content. Example  communities include: Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, YouTube Flickr and  Twitter.
Subscribe - The process of adding an RSS feed to your  aggregator or newsreader.
Taxonomy - An organized way of  classifying content - as opposed to a folksonomy.
Threads -  Strands of conversation.
Tool - A software application for your  computer.
User generated content (UGC) - also known as  consumer-generated media (CGM) or user-created content (UCC) - The  various kinds of media content, publicly available, that are produced by  users.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) - Using a computer or  other Internet device for phone calls without additional charge,  including conference calls. The best-known VOIP tool is Skype.
Web  2.0 - A term that describes blogs, wikis, social networking sites and  other Internet-based services that emphasize collaboration and sharing.
Widgets  - Stand-alone applications that you can embed in other applications  like a website or a desktop.
Wiki - Web pages used to collect  content about a topic. Anyone with access to the pages can edit or  modify the information.

2010 Ministry Marketing Solutions - Social Media Services...                       

2010 Ministry Marketing Solutions - Social  Media Services Division! 4 weeks of PR/Social Media services reaching 100,000+ in  AACM

You can find more definitions in "The Ultimate Internet  Marketing Guide" that appeared in an earlier Vesta Digital blog.Dan  Chambers

Want help to get going?
Get The Social Media Kit
Click here

Monday, May 10, 2010

Black Publishing Expert, Author and Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist, Karen Hunter

 I recently interviewed Karen Hunter about her new book, Stop Being Niggardly. WOW. She is awesome. A real gracious lady and a "thinker" who is really making a mark on the world. Hear the interview, click below. It'll blow you away!

HunterKaren Hunter
Don’t fight over a few crumbs of a slice of pie. Be a pie maker.


This Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist is one of the most sought-after collaborators in publishing. She is also one of the most sought-after voices in America. She has recently parlayed her successes into her very-own imprint—Karen Hunter Publishing—a division of Pocket Books at Simon & Schuster.

She launched her first book, “Why Black Men Love White Women,” in October of 2007, and will follow with a string of provocative non-fiction titles, some gripping fictions, and a couple of celebrity memoirs.

Karen made her name penning autobiographies for celebrities, churning out numerous best-selling and critically acclaimed books including: I Make My Own Rules (1997) with LL Cool J, Ladies First (1999) with Queen Latifah, Al on America (2002) with Rev. Al Sharpton, Wendy’s Got the Heat (2003) with nationally syndicated talk show host Wendy Williams. Her books, On the Down Low (2004) with AIDS activist JL King and Confessions of a Video Vixen, forced a nation to deal with issues that had long been overlooked. Karen has also co-authored Raising Kanye with the mother of rapper Kanye West and Balancing Act, a novel with the ex-husband of Terry McMillan.

In addition to her writing, Karen was a radio talk-show host on a New York City morning show for three years. She is currently a Distinguished Lecturer at Hunter College, where she has served as an assistant professor in the Film & Media Department for the past five years. She was also an adjunct professor at New York University for three years.


Description: nig·gard·ly (adj.) [nig´erd-le]

1. stingy, miserly; not generous
2. begrudging about spending or granting
3. provided in a meanly limited supply

If you don’t know the definition of the word, you might assume it to be a derogatory insult, a racial slur. You might be personally offended and deeply outraged. You might write an angry editorial or organize a march. You might even find yourself making national headlines

In other words, you’d better know what the word means before you pour your energy into overreacting to it.
That’s the jumping-off point for this powerful directive from Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and bestselling author Karen Hunter. It’s time for the black community to stop marching, quit complaining, roll up their collective sleeves, channel their anger constructively, and start fixing their own problems, she boldly asserts. And while her straight-talking, often politically incorrect narrative is electrifyingly fresh and utterly relevant to today’s hot-button issues surrounding race, Hunter harks back to the wisdom of a respected elder—Nannie Helen Burroughs, who was ahead of her time penning Twelve Things the Negro Must Do for Himself more than a century ago.

Burroughs’s guidelines for successful living—from making education, employment, and home ownership one’s priorities to dressing appropriately to practicing faith in everyday life—teach empowerment through self-responsibility, disallowing excuses for one’s standing in life but rather galvanizing blacks to look to themselves for strength, motivation, support, and encouragement.
From our urban communities to small-town America, the issues Hunter is bold enough to tackle in Stop Being Niggardly affect us all. Refreshingly candid and challenging, certain to get people everywhere talking, this is the book that takes on race in a new—yet also historically revered and simply stated—way that can change lives, both personally and collectively.

Join the community of authors & writers:

Also sign up to get notices about the Writer's conference: at Howard University in DC this summer! 
Meet the experts there in person!

Monday, May 03, 2010

What if Starbucks Marketed Like a Church? Top Ten Tips on How to Market YOUR Ministry

The information age and the digital revolution has changed everything, even the way we pick a church.  If the Church does not meet the needs of its members, like anything else, it will soon be out of business.

Yes, ministry is an industry. Pastor and religious leaders must not only know how to pray for members but also keep them engaged and coming back to service.  And if they come back, will members bring guests?

When members bring or invite guests to church, that's creating buzz. When members are excited about their church, it shows that the church is marketing correctly. (Note: I'll be speaking at Greater Grace at their Pastors and Church Leaders conference: see info below)

Here are some church marketing ideas: Ten Tips on How to Market Your Ministry Today

DON'T DO IT LIKE THIS! See this video

See too and join!

Missed this Social Media Marketing seminar? Get the Handbook & mp3s at

Greater Grace Temple 2010 Pastors & Church Leaders Conference

Whether you’re a pastor, ministry leader, church staff member or just someone interested in ministry, the 2010 Pastors and Church Leaders Conference is designed just for you.

Held on May 5-7 at Greater Grace Temple located in Detroit, Michigan, this year's conference consists of anointed speakers and "how-to" informational sessions; a power-packed gathering from start to finish. It offers innovative and proven ministry methods that you and your staff can employ immediately. Be a part of it and let it change your ministry. Indeed, let it change your life. We’ll have workshops and demonstrations on scores of ministries, plus handouts and resource materials.

This year's conference features Pastor Jamal Bryant, Tim Slaughter, Bishop Noel Jones, a special VIP luncheon for pastors, and a special encore presentation of Bishop Charles Ellis' latest illustration sermon, Angels and Demons.

PR Coach & Social Media Expert, Pam Perry doing a workshop at Greater Grace on Friday, May 7 at 11 a.m. on Branding and Social Media. 

For more information on how you can register, log onto
Greater Grace Temple 2010 Pastors & Church Leaders Conference - Detroit, Michigan