Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Get Self Publishing Help To Stop Wasting Money on Expensive Training and Programs

Get Self Publishing Help To Stop Wasting Money on Expensive Training and Programs
by Judy Cullins

Your personal belief system may have coaxed you to sign up for a big expensive training from a big guru on how to be a best selling fiction author, or best selling nonfiction author. Maybe you dreamed of being a #1 Amazon author, or maybe you dreamed of making it big on radio interviews. These trainings have super convincing sales letters that make big promises and claims.

These plans usually make only the presenters rich and most of you won't get near the success a few participants had.

The sad reality is that authors are reluctant marketers, are introverts or feel incapable. Hope springs eternal and convinces them to follow the best ad copy and sign up. What's a few thousand dollars, when they "might" make it big.

Think about using a mentor like a bookcoach or book shepherd.*

Without a mentor, who has no expensive program, but will guide you over time to manifest your book dream, you may make expensive mistakes in buying what you don't need to get your book out to your audience.

Remember most books do not make the Amazon best seller list. Many of you won't even sell large numbers of book, even if you are a guest on Oprah. You have to be a famous guest and be the only featured author on to make big sales like Echhart Tolle. One client who was one of many on the show called me to lament he needed to put up a sales page and it would stand only a week to gain sales. He didn't think it was worth it to change his pitfall copy, so he got almost no sales. In fact, less than 2% of published authors win at these games.

You already know that New York publishers don't promote you much. It's all up to you, and it's scary. Maybe you don't know that most Print on Demand (POD) authors do not make money on their books, being one of thousands on their Web site with only a 100 word write up..

Stop Throwing Away Your Book Promotion Money!

1. When you print books, unless you will speak to big audiences 6-8 times a month, print only a few hundred, an amount you can sell in a few months. Those bargain prices for 1500 to 2500 books will cost you thousands of dollars, not allowing you cash flow to spend on the promotional messages you need to get out, or your books will languish and sit in storage, losing value each month.

2. When you budget for book promotion, keep in mind there is no magic bullet in book promotion. It takes author commitment and a little learning curve that is doable when you get small business article marketing coaching. Don't go for hugely priced publicists who can get you noticed somewhat, but not enough for small businesss big profits.

Be cautious how you spend your money for your book project. Maybe like me, you can do it all for little time and money, and make a fabulous life time income too.

*Visit book coach Judy at www.BookCoaching.com
and visit PR Coach Pam at www.PamPerryPRCoach.com