Friday, September 21, 2007

Jesus, the Networker

I have always been wired to network. I love sharing information; connecting cool people with other cool people, seeing groups come together for a common cause. There’s strength in numbers. Jesus said, “I can of mine own self do nothing” (John 5:30).

Because networking is so much a part of my personality, I have been teased a lot. I had even begun to think I was a bit strange – until I realized Jesus was a networker. He had to be. He took twelve folks and revolutionized the world. He had a life-changing message that He imparted into mankind through the networking of men. The twelve disciples told some people, and they told some people, and so on and so on...

Isn’t that what life is all about? No man is an island – we all need each other. How could anyone have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior if they had not heard the Gospel? And how can they have heard without someone telling them? (Romans 10:14). That’s the ultimate “network.” Hooking people up to the “true vine” because Jesus said, “apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:1 and 5).

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King talked about networking too. He said, “As long as there is poverty in the world I can never be rich, even if I had a billion dollars...I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. No individual or nation can stand out boasting of being independent. We are all interdependent.”

Networking is not always about getting. It’s really about giving. Actually, you’re more blessed when you give than when you receive (Acts 20:35). I have a passion for God which has caused me to have compassion for people.

We must be set on helping people. Ephesians 4:3 says, “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” When we network together, we weave a bond of ultimate power. Creating alliances and cultivating relationships is critical today especially in business.

It is painful to me when I see “lone rangers” and those folks floating encased in their own bubbles. They will never experience a full, abundant life because they are afraid to step out of their comfort zone. Or they’re just too proud to ask people for help or too selfish to even think about anyone else. These attitudes are totally against the Word of God.

God’s Word tells us to walk in love. Perfect love will cast out fear (1 John 4:18) and when we are walking in love, we esteem others higher than ourselves. We not only look out for our own interests but also the interests of others (Philippians 4:3-4). Our love for God is expressed by our love for each other.

Networking is love in action (see 1 Corinthians 13). The master networker, best-selling author of “Success Runs in Our Race” and publisher of the Success Guide, George C. Fraser said, “I think success really involves the situations you get yourself into and the people you meet. No one can be successful by themselves. It’s the relationships that you develop with the people around you. Throughout my life, I’ve had people who helped me do better.”

Success does run in our race. Fraser has been on a mission to link African Americans together for the betterment of them all. For ten years, he has published The Success Guide to accomplish this goal. More than an upscale directory of contacts, it is the only vehicle that has African American professionals from 7 different countries and 75 cities. “It’s networking in an instant with real people getting real results,” said Fraser.

The Bible tells us in Matthew 25:39 to “love your neighbor as yourself.” This is the key to a successful life. Another recurring phrase in the Bible is “one another.” We are to: love, instruct, encourage, stir up, lift up, rejoice with, prefer, serve, pray with, submit to, admonish, minister to, fellowship with and edify ONE ANOTHER. Sounds like networking to me.

Nobody gets to the highest peaks without help of others. Networking is the identification of relationships for the purpose of sharing information and resources. Taking time for people and communicating is the key. Don’t ever get too busy to share information or your wisdom.
Get the right attitude about networking and begin to open up and give. Hook up with like-minded folks and kindred spirits. Moving ahead often involves reaching out and being willing to give. We reap what we sow._________________________________________

Pam Perry is the president/founder of the Detroit Chapter of the American Christian Writers Association ( Her work has also appeared in Gospel Today magazine, The Detroit News, The Detroit Free Press, CBA Marketplace Magazine, Precious Times Magazine, Christian Covenant News and The Christian Communicator. to network with Pam Perry. Sign her elist!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Finding Your Place Called There...

Finding Your Place Called There...
In Business Sandra Steen urges business owners
to create a “kingdom explosion” in the marketplace

“Life, energy, passion and excitement
surround us,” says Sandra Steen as she
suddenly moves to the whiteboard for
an illustration. “I believe being successful
in business and in life means being
purpose-driven.” She begins to draw,
“Here’s your purpose in the center and
here’s life all around it. If everything you
do is not directly connected to your
God-given purpose, then your ability
to be impactful in any area of life is in
danger. You can’t work for God’s kingdom
and be out of place – finding your
place called ‘there’ is not a destination,
but a journey.”

According to Steen, we have a responsibility
to understand our purpose.

“Life fulfillment and joy comes from understanding
your purpose,” she explains.
“When you’re not operating in purpose,
joy robbers like frustration and jealousy
prevent you from realizing joy and experiencing
true, God-given success.”

Steen’s message is captivating. And
her voice reaches corporate America,
serving an impressive list of Fortune
500 clients such as SONY, Proctor and
Gamble, SBC, JCPenney, Frost Bank,
H-E-B, and Wal-Mart.

Companies hire Sandra Steen because
she speaks a purpose driven
message that provides a rare blend of
bold energy, incredible enthusiasm and
life-changing information.
Steen’s workshops target spirit, inspiration,
motivation and destination.

For more than 13 years, Steen’s clients
have come back and remained loyal to
her philosophy. “They always tell me or
my staff that their business experiences
dynamic breakthroughs and environmental
changes following each session.

Changes that occur once the individual
realizes their inner purpose and capture
abundant and joyous living.”
Steen credits her first speaking engagement
to the church. She was just
six years old when she realized her life’s
calling, and faced the task of addressing
her church’s congregation to deliver a
five-minute speech. She was undaunted.
Instead of shrinking in fear, she strode
to the podium, seized hold of the microphone,
and exceeded her allotted
time, gaining strength and confidence
with each word.

Sandra Steen shares a message that
transcends all levels of life, from the
corporate businessperson, to the entrepreneur
to the stay-at-home mom.

According to Steen, when people find
their purpose, the next step is to act
on it. She is extraordinarily skilled at
encouraging people to find a vision and
the motivation to take action.

“I don’t have the power to change
your life,” Steen explains, “You do. I
can plant the seeds, but ultimately each
person has the ability to take action that
will bring about change.”

Sandra Steen’s message of purposeful
living is recognized internationally. She
has shared her message all over the
globe, from Sao Paulo, Brazil to Sydney,
Australia and now in her own home
court – San Antonio.

In addition to working with Fortune
500 companies, Steen has recently partnered
with churches, non-profit organizations
and educational institutions.
“Here’s what I ask myself, ‘Is God
interested in building any kingdom
other than his?’” Steen shares that her
kingdom perspective has been greatly
expanded under the teaching of Rick
Godwin, Senior Pastor of Eagles’ Nest
Christian Fellowship. Steen has been
a long-time member of ENCF. Steen
shares, “Rick’s messages continue to
create life-changing experiences in my
life; this life is not about me – it’s about
the impact and experience that I create
for others.

I am convinced that creating a “kingdom
explosion” removes us from the pattern
of business as usual. Our assignment
in life is to be rightly positioned. Being
in that right place is powerful for the
corporation as well as for the individual.
I believe that when you are in your right
place, everyone should benefit from your

In an ongoing effort to partner with
the community and the church, Sandra
Steen is speaking at Family Praise
Center’s Winner’s Circle on September
10, 2005. Family Praise Center (FPC),
a multicultural church with over 4,000
members and two locations in San Antonio,
began in 1993. In 1997, they began
a marketplace ministry forum called
Winner’s Circle. Designed to equip the
businessperson with both information
and resources, its quarterly session has
an attendance of nearly 100 business
owners, entrepreneurs and corporate

“My passion is excellence and I look
for it everywhere, in business and in
people.” declares Steen. I love what
FPC is doing with business people – it’s
cutting edge. The church should deliver
the same level of service to its members
that we would expect any corporation
to deliver to its top clients.”

The Winner’s Circle was created to
provide an opportunity for local business
owners to network their talents
and resources. We are about equipping
them with the principles and tools to be
successful spiritually, emotionally, and
financially,” states Will Norris, Minister
of Education at FPC.

“We’ve partnered with Sandra Steen
in the past and we’ve seen the incredible
fruits of her work. We don’t take it lightly
that she is joining with us for our third
quarter event and know that she will
deliver a relevant message.”

“The amazing thing about Sandra
Steen is that she understands the dynamics
of marketplace ministry, it’s not
about you, it’s about the kingdom of
God. That’s what makes her message a
perfect fit.”

Sandra Steen, an internationally
renowned inspirational speaker and
author, has won business audiences
over with her positive messages of
joy, fulfillment and purpose. She is the
President and CEO of Sandra Steen &
Associates, Inc., an international speaking,
training and consulting firm, started
in San Antonio in May 1993.
For more information on Sandra
Steen and Sandra Steen & Associates,
Inc. contact 210.804.0655 or visit

“If everything you do is not directly connected
to your God-given purpose, then your
ability to create a meaningful impact in any
area of your life and the lives of others is in
danger.” “You can’t work for the kingdom
and be out of place – finding your place called
“there” is not a destination, but a journey.”
– Sandra Steen

Friday, September 07, 2007

The Media, The Message and The Mind

What are you putting in your eye gate?
By Pamela Perry, Ministry Marketing Solutions Inc.

I am mad. I am fed up with a media and its negative influence on our thought life. Kids (and those who don’t know any better) and especially susceptible. Media has created monsters that kill, steal and destroy. We are hit by millions of messages daily and most of those messages deteriorating our morals, our family life, our society overall.

Media messages surround us daily- all day. We wake up to clock radios, flick on the TV and grab the newspaper. On the way to work, as we listen to subliminal negative messages in music or depressing, sensationalized news. We see billboards reminding us of the latest alcohol drink. Once at work, the bulletin boards are filled with more foolishness, or our e-mail has some outrageous filth from anonymous sources. When we get home, more junk mail to sort through. Our TV entertainment is not motivating. Even our tape/CD or book clubs have fewer and fewer selections of inspiring, nourishing messages.

I am tired of Harry Potter casting “spells” on our children. Why would I want my daughter to be fascinated by witches, sorcerers and other creatures of darkness? I am sick of the rap music that promotes hatred and violence. I am stunned by movies and music videos that pump visions of illicit sex and soft pornography into the minds of babes.

Then there’s the internet with a new form of perversion all together. A friend of mine told me that her son was almost kicked out of college for spending too much time surfing websites created for “adult entertainment”. He got caught up and spent more time with that stuff instead of the books.

Wonder why the world is so messed up? Garbage in—garbage out. What you think about, you become. When you run around with a head full of junk, you do stupid stuff. The media prods with every step. Somebody is always promoting something. We are in the Information Age with tons of messages tossed around daily. What are you promoting? But more importantly, what are you taking in?

The Information Age is good because the information that God wants to get out will get out quicker, faster and more profound than ever. Media is not our master. Jesus is Lord and Master. He has given us a better message and the bible has all the answers.

My career in public relations has really enhanced my awareness of the power of the media. Its impact could make or break a career or make someone an instant “millionaire.” Ad agencies spend millions of dollars to create images. For many, media is the compass of their life. Whatever the media spews out people take in and shape their opinions around it or buy whatever it’s selling. Some people believe the voice of Oprah rather than their own “still, small voice” within. Who or what do you believe?

That’s why it is so important that Believers take back the media. The world needs the message of the gospel and is waiting for it. We must inject messages of faith to counter the messages of fear. It’s time to reverse the demonic assaults that have plagued airwaves and our thought-waves. The time is now to market the message to the masses! The violent take it by force (Matthew 11:12).

I yelled “Look at God!” in the middle of Walgreen’s on September 12 when I saw Bishop T.D. Jakes on the cover of Time magazine. Do you think that was a coincidence or does God have a plan? As the nation prays, God is enlarging our territory according to the prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10).

When we spend hours and hours soaking in junk TV, reading garbage magazines instead of feeding our mind with life—the Word of God, we are destroying ourselves. We have a choice of life or death; prosperity or disaster. The Bible instructs us in the way to live to have success, “Study this Book of the Law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it (the Bible). Only then will you succeed” (Joshua 1:8 NLT). James 1:27 say, “refuse to let the world corrupt us” (NLT).

Don’t get sucked in by the media mess, guard your heart with all diligence. If the devil wanted to enter your mind, would you let him in if he knocked on the door? No. He knows he has to come very deceptively. He comes center-stage disguised as a message you have been enticed to receive. Don’t be deceived by Satan’s devices. Reject his junk!

Our world has changed dramatically since we’ve witnessed terrorism first hand, up close on our U.S. shores. We’re not as comfortable as we used to be. A lot of sleepy Christians are now awake and see that the time is now to “be a witness” (Acts 1:8). it’s time to fight the good fight of faith! The media is that last frontier and the devil is trying to pull out all his junk and spew out fear, hate and corruption. But read the end of the Book; we win! Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that “Jesus is Lord.”

The media has power, but God has ALL power. Who are you going to follow?

Pam Perry is 20-year PR professional and the chief visionary of Ministry Marketing Solutions Inc., a public relations and marketing consulting firm in Farmington, Michigan. Visit She has weekly podcasts and free daily eblasts on media and ministry. Also see her myspace at