Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How to get Web Traffic and PR Exposure Fast? Articles & Press Releases

Write Basic Articles and Press Releases about the product you want to promote and submit them to these free (or almost free) web sites. 

A good mindset to be in while creating an article or press release is to think of it as a testimonial. Explain about the power of the product and use specific examples on how it has been a benefit to you. You can also throw in some details on how the business has benefited you and why you think it is a must for everyone.

Be sure to use specific examples, because social proof is #1. Always leave your readers wanting more and the only way they can find out more info is to click on your capture page link. After all, that's the end goal from all advertisements, to have them enter their information on your site.

Another great way to find specific articles and press release submission services is to do a search for "free article submission" or "free press releases" on Google.

Once you have an article or press release created and ready to submit, find 3 to 5 submission services to submit it to. Submit the same article or press release to all of them. This will ensure that you'll get your information seen in a natural search.

Don't write an article that's more than a page and a half long, or more than about 800 words. Keep your lines short and your paragraphs to no more than four sentences long. No one reads on the Internet, they just skim, so keeping your lines and paragraphs short will keep them reading and not skimming. 

See the example of a press release/articles below to get an idea of how to create one.
and also see

The best way to get the most out of article and press release marketing is to write a new article every few days and submit it to 3 or 4 article submissions services.  Keep in mind that more is not better.  Only submit one article to several submission services, and then move onto your next article.

Over time your articles will build up and the traffic will start to come.  But you must be consistent and submit articles on a regular basis.

You may need to sign up to get a free account with the services in order to submit your work.

How did I learn this? From the Copywriter Guild - http://pamperry.thecopywritersguild.com
They make writing easy - and you learn how to do it right to get TRAFFIC.  (Even if you don't want 'leads' - you can use these principles for anything!)  You also get the "Recruit with Words" from Mike Dillard.  I love his stuff! 

Invest in tools that teach you how to learn more - and earn more! 

See the new tools in the Pam Perry PR Pro Shop: http://www.pamperryonlinepr.com