Monday, November 19, 2007

Get out there! Christian PR (Press Releases) for $100

Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc. is pleased to announce that we have partnered with to bring you the afforable press release services. They will edit and distribute your press release with photos/art to Christian print, radio and TV stations. If you're an author, you need to do this - more than once. Get out there!

"Our Business is Promoting Yours."
ChristianPR for just $100

For just $100 we email blast your industry standard press release to Christian magazines, book clubs and radio stations across the country. We also e- blast your PR to over 35,000 subscribers to our newsletter including fellow Christians, authors and ministries.

To ensure that you receive even more national exposure, we also feature your press release on our home page, maximizing the visibility of your ministry, to thousands of "unique visitors," who visit each month.If you're interested in generating publicity, building your reputation, and increasing the number of sites that link to you, press releases can be a useful tool.

With just a $100 investment, you can start generating exposure for your company, ministry or book in as little as 24 hours.

Did you know that the Christian culture industry is a $4 to $6 billion industry. Our advertising goal is to reach the Christian internet market by continuously growing our subscriber base of members and visitors, so that you have a better chance of reaching your target audience.Our ads offer the most affordable entry level advertising to help you increase brand awareness and achieve higher advertising impact with our affordable short or long term rates.

Our clients understand that repetition is the key to success, and continue to use our service to maximize the visibility of their business, ministry or book.