You'll love Dr. Laureen. Her book, “Fit, Fine and Fabulous in Career, Business and Life” is an Amazon best-seller business ebooks and the foreword is by the powerful Dr. Cindy Trimm.This is a book that is changing lives!
How to Use the 3 'Rs' to Make Yourself Fit, Fine and
Like many business people, Dr. Laureen Wishom spent years toiling in
corporate America, where she felt undervalued and unappreciated. She decided to
leave the rat race to find her own way to success. Fourteen years later, she
owns a stellar company and a dynamic program for success based on the 3R System
where she shows high-achieving people how to Re-Invent, Re-Imagine and Re-Emerge in career, business and life. Not only did Wishom reinvent her career and business, she made over her life including everything from losing 55 pounds to changing her wardrobe and office furnishings; to writing a book... all with dramatic results. She went from "just professional" to a "wow" maven.
*Her proven system for success relies on being true to oneself, claiming one's own unique space and then 'Taking It to a Whole "NEW" Level" Dr. Laureen helps others achieve positive changes in their career, business and life by sharing:
· Tips for making over everything from your office space, relationships to your wardrobe.
· Examples of how she revamped her life, from the bedroom to the boardroom.
· Strategies for achieving radical success ranging from brand positioning and marketplace visibility to revenue acceleration.
PERSONAL CONTACT: Laureen Wishom at Phone: 281.584.0348 | Toll Free: 888.447.8118 and See to download press kit and/or photos/podcasts
bookings contact: Pam Perry, Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc. Publicist,
(248) 690-6810 or @pamperry on twitter pam_perry on Instagram
BONUS: Thank you gifts: Enter AmazonOrder# Dr. Cindy Trimm is a high-achieving woman! See

Listed among Ebony magazine’s Power 100 as the “top 100 doers and influencers in the world today,” Dr. Trimm is a featured speaker on the world’s largest platforms, a frequent guest on Christian broadcasting’s most popular TV and radio programs, and continually tops the National Bestsellers Lists.
Dr. Trimm combines her wealth of leadership expertise with her depth of spiritual understanding to reveal life-transforming messages that empower and inspire. Seasoned with humor, compassion, revelatory insight, and personal candor, Dr. Trimm opens minds and touches hearts with biblically-based principles of inner healing and personal empowerment.
Pulling on her background in government, education, psychology, and human development, Dr. Trimm translates hard-hitting spiritual insights into everyday language that empower individuals to transform their lives—helping change the path people take in search of meaning, dignity, purpose, and hope.